

The Texas Postsecondary State Leadership and Skills Conference (SLSC) event details will be posted as the conference date approaches. This event is open to those who are paid members who were registered by March 1 and have an active chapter in their Texas Postsecondary institutions. 

Registration will open to participate in the State Conference. The last day to complete registration for the 2025 conference is March 15.


We encourage you to place reservations by the end of January. Hotels are limited.

The Conference Agenda is your access to all times, dates, and locations of all contests during the conference. Competitions are being added to the schedule based on participation. 

The form must be used after the registration deadline for all changes, including substitutions. Any changes made at the conference are subject to a $50 change fee. Email or bring to the State Conference before the deadline.

Dates and deadlines are vital to ensure that we can serve all our members in a timely and efficient manner.

We strongly encourage you to download our conference app one month before the Houston event. The updates for contests and times of competitions will be posted solely on the app starting two weeks before the State Conference.

Our State Ambassadors will participate in mentoring, empowering conversations with CTE leaders, career growth, and leadership training.  

The SkillsUSA Championships are competitive events showcasing the best career and technical education students. The philosophy of the Championships is to reward students for excellence, to involve the industry in directly evaluating student performance, and to keep training relevant to employers’ needs. We need your expertise!

2025 Contest


Check out all the contest updates to better prepare for the upcoming competitions. Check back for updates till March 20th. After that date, updates will be made on the conference app.